Sunday, April 27, 2008

More Springtime photos

Some Springtime Photos....
~My newest blog~
I posted another one yesterday,
check it out, too. =)
Buffy... lol

Jewell with some of my Creeping Phlox..

Bonita, in the Spring garden... Early April.. =)

The frog pond...

BonBon again.. =)
The Spring garden, April 2008

English Daisy and Cherry bloom, maybe?

One of my kittens, with a branch from what I think to be a Flowering Cherry tree? I'm trying to root it. Wish me luck.. lol

A couple of Toads in a puddle in my driveway...

Miss Jewell..... =P

Grayci, Dumpling and Pinkie - guarding the garden? lol

A Wild Rose bush? I don't know whether to cut it or leav it! That thing is thorny..... But.... If it were to bloom, it would be worth keeping. *IF* it's a Wild Rose?

A closeup of one of the thorny branches. Does it look like Wild Rose, or something else?

My thornless Blackberry or Raspberry. I planted both last Summer, and only one survived. Not sure WHICH one. lol

You can barely see my little yellow Rose bush in that mess!! This was before I cleared out the area, and turned the corner (between my porch and Goldfish pond) into a flower bed.

Those Aloe plants were on clearance at Walmart, and nearly dead when I got them. They are both doing a lot better now... I gave one to Mom and kept the other.

I *love* strawberries.. And this plant is already producing a few. Yum. =)

Wandering Jew plant

This Strawberry plant hasn't set fruit yet, it's doing really well though.

This Azalea will be soooo pretty when it blooms! ..Next Spring, probably. It's blooms are white with pale pink.

My four surviving Goldfish. This is their 3rd Summer, they have grown so much.

My favorite - so pretty!

The new flower bed, you can see the small yellow Rose bush in the back corner.

Creeping Phlox

Blue Lobelia

One of the Hostas in the front garden. I think it's a "Patriot Hosta". Not sure?

My climbing Rose bush. I need to finish painting that porch!! rofl ...Ummm, yeah, it was a bit messy in this photo. Going through stuff, and the porch ends up cluttered every time! =P

A work in progress..... lol

I need to find a way to keep dirt and rocks around the Goldfish pond, so I can plant some flowers and make it look 1/2 way decent. =/

Purple Dead Nettle is taking over my yard this year! So is Creeping Charlie vines. Both smell nice, they are in the Mint family. But NOT all over my yard, please!! ha

Hostas... "Patriot", "Golden Tiara" and "Whirlwind"..

My little "Rock Garden", in my shade garden. Water accumulates in the corner of the garden - washing the soil away, so I decided to give this a try. It's working GREAT so far! =)

My Lucky Bamboo planted in the Frog Pond.. Looks like a lil tree. lol

It was a big mess, I just finished the flower bed. See what I mean about needing to do something with the Goldfish pond?!? It looks soooo tacky.


無料提供!!情報商材・商品徹底分析!!(初心者向け) said...

I took Japanese women. Impressed.
If the link if you like, please.

GypsySunrise said...

....Took Japanese women? ..What? lol