Saturday, April 26, 2008

Springtime 2008! =)

Has it really been a year since my last PhotoBlog?!
It really doesn't seem THAT long ago!
Anyway.. Spring is here!!
I sooo love Sporingtime, don't you?
I thought i'd share some photos I took today around the yard,
and up in the woods...
It was a rainy day today, and I loved it! =)

One of my Clematis vines. I need to give it something to clime! lol

Some of my Pink Splash plants. I love these. =)

My red Azaleas, in my shae garden. Didn't catch them blooming. =/


Pink Azalea in bloom

A unusal, but pretty, plant.. Bromelaid

I just made this flower bed a couple days ago... It should be a fragrant garden.. Lavendar and Rose..

Impatiens in my shade garden

My shade garden

I'm trying the "Upside down gardening" technique this year. lol Upside down tomato plant. =)

Pink splash in my new garden

Thornless Blackberry.........or was is Raspberry? lol

Like my stone walkway around the garden? lol I have GOT to do something about that Goldfish pond, it looks terrible!! lol That's the mound of dirt you see on the other side of the little path.

Went for a walk in the woods above my home........ A huge tree has fallen. =/

Pinkie HAD to come along... As did some others..... lol =P

My Rock Garden needs some work. lol

Someday, there will be a very small stone patio and a little Bistro table where you see this chair. =)

My yellow climbing Rose died last year, but is coming back THIS year.. Yay! =)

A pink Geranium Nathan gave to me to cheer me up one day. I planted it in the hanging pot with blue Lobelia, and it cheers me up everytime I see it. =)

Princess showing off her tree scratching skills up in the woods. She looked so intense. lol

A view from the hill. lol

A peaceful area up there. I'd like to clear all the leaves and briars, and drag a swing/glider up there. It would be a nice place to just get away and relax. Oh, and that Duke in this photo. =P

Jewell.... lol

.............More photos, coming soon!! <3>

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