May 22-23rd, 2009
That stuff is all over the hills this year, love it! =)
TeddiBear, in the Wild Rose bush..
TeddiBear and his Mommy, Echo
The Wild Rose in the backyard - soooo fragrant. =)

Flame Azalea (same one from last year's photo - toward the end of blog)

What kind of vine is this? It's trying to climb one of my Tulip Poplars..
Golden Moneywort..
"Peace" Rose

"Knockout" Roses
1 comment:
1-9-10 Thoughts of sadness shadow the beauty I have just been privileged to see as I looked at your photos of your beautiful flowers and plants and the expressions you caught on your beloved pets to appreciate with your superior photos on your BlogSpot. Beauty covered for the moment with anxious anguish anticipating news that Gary has regained his health and joy will replace distress. At this moment we can only call on our Creator for help.
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